DIY Projects

Bunting Scrap Bust
30—October 2019
DIY Bunting is a simple way to add a touch of colour and fun to a room, entrance way, party space or even a summer garden!
Here at The Fabric Store, we’re always on the hunt for creative ways to turn our fabric scrap stash into something wonderful. DIY Bunting is a simple way to add a touch of colour and fun to a room, entranceway, party space or even a summer garden! Keep reading for an easy 10-step bunting tutorial that would make a super fun school holiday project or weekend activity. Check out our free downloadable bunting template pattern just above, on the right of this page!

A selection of Liberty prints and Linen colours plus Linen Bias Bindings
We had some Liberty and linen scraps that needed using up so we decided to go for a colourful combo! If you’re wanting to create DIY Bunting to a specific colour theme for a special occasion or holiday, you can find a huge range of Liberty prints and linens in our bricks and mortar stores, as well as our online store, in an array of colours!

For this project, you’ll need sewing shears, fabric remnants of your choice, thread, bias binding, some pins, a sewing machine and an iron and ironing board. We chose to feature a couple of our beautiful new linen bias bindings as hanging tape for our bunting, which you can find online here!

For beautifully finished bunting, we choose to make bagged out triangular flags with a finished measurement of 19 wide x 21cm deep. We spaced our flags along the bias binding at 13cm apart – you can space your flags however far apart you wish!
1. Start by downloading and printing our bunting pattern template using the link near the top right of this page (just under the top photo). This template has a 1cm seam allowance included.
2. For a single bagged out flag, cut two triangles using the template, ensuring that the grain of the fabric lines up with the grainline indicated on the template.
3. Place the right sides together and pin to avoid slippage. Starting at the top, backtack and stitch a 1cm seam down one long side of the triangle, pivot, and then stitch up to the top of the other long side, backtacking when you reach the end.
4. Trim excess from the pointed seam allowance, turn the right sides out and then use a pointed object (such as a pencil) to push out the point. Don’t worry if you find the first one tricky, you’ll be a pro by the time you finish a row of bunting!
5. Press the flag gently and evenly, ensure the iron is on the correct setting for your fabric.
6. Repeat the process to create as many flags as you have chosen for your desired length of bunting.
7. Decide on the order you want your flags to be in and leave enough room for tying the bunting up at the end before you sew in your first flag.
8. Sandwich your first flag in between the folded edges of the bias binding and secure it with pins. Topstitch the binding and flag layers together at approximately 2-3mm from the edge for a clean finish.
9. Measure down the binding for the length of the gap you have chosen between flags, and insert your next flag. Continue sewing with this method until you have stitched in all of your flags.
10. Voila! You have a beautiful line of bunting, ready to hang up wherever you please! We chose to fold back 5cm at the ends of our binding, securing with a top stitch, which gave us a little loop to hang the bunting from.

DIY Bunting is such a fun way to bust that fabric scrap stash you’ve been holding on to and only requires basic sewing skills! How perfect would a few lengths of bunting be as decorations for parties or children’s bedrooms – the opportunities are endless! Share your bunting snaps with us on Instagram @wearethefabricstore using the hashtag #thefabricstore