3 — Construct and Attach Waistband

Cloud Sweatpant Sew Along — 3 — Construct and Attach Waistband
Jan 24 2022
19 waistband front seam

If the size you are sewing has your waistband in two pieces, you will need to join them together. With the right sides together, pin them at the centre front. Overlock and then press the seam to one side.

Note that this seam is not shown in the following photographs.

20 buttonhole template
New 21 marking stitching waistband

Transfer the waistband top stitching indication lines, and buttonhole placement from the Waistband Template onto the right side using tailor’s chalk or a fabric pen.

24 sewing buttonholes closeup

Following your sewing machine’s manual, sew two buttonholes on the waistband at centre front, as indicated on the Waistband Template.

22 waist band stiched back

With the right sides together, pin the centre back seam of the waistband and then overlock. Press the seam to one side.

26 pinning waist band

With the wrong sides together, pin the lower waistband edges together.

Baste the edges together with your sewing machine, leaving an opening about 5cm wide at the centre back.

27 threading elastic

Using a safety pin or bodkin, thread the elastic through the waistband.

29 measuing elastic

Pin the ends together securely with a 2cm overlap. Now try your waistband on to check it is sitting comfortably and adjust the elastic as needed.

30 elastic sewen

Once your waistband is comfortable, sew the two elastic ends together with your sewing machine. Now, close up the opening in your waistband with a basting stitch on your sewing machine.

31 pinning elastic evenly

We will now top stitch the waistband. Distribute the gathers evenly around the waist and pin through the elastic and fabric to hold it in place.

32 topstich waist band 1
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Starting at the centre back, top stitch the waistband following the markings you made at the beginning of this step. You will need to stretch the elastic as you sew so you don’t create any tucks in the waistband fabric.

34 waistband finished
35 pinning waistband to trouser

We will now attach the waistband to the pants.

Pin the waistband to the pants with the right sides together matching the seams and notches.

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Now, machine baste the waistband and pant at the waist, then overlock them together.

Press the seam downwards.

In the next post, we cover the final steps of hemming and finishing.

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Don't forget you can always email us via patterns@thefabricstore.co.nz if you need advice!

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Location — New Zealand